But aren’t renewables good for the environment?
Offshore wind poses several threats to the environment. The planned 1,400 offshore wind turbines within the Rhode Island/Massachusetts wind energy area will industrialize critical habitat used buy Right Whales to feed, socialize, and raise their young. Pile driving of wind turbines May injure or kill whales. They may also suffer injuries from vessel strikes within the construction zone. Other species in the ecosystem will also be negatively impacted.
What does success look like to CIWC?
We seek a moratorium on offshore wind projects that could harm right whales until the turbines’ environmental impacts are better understood.
But aren’t renewables good for the environment?
Offshore wind poses several threats to the environment. The planned 1,400 offshore wind turbines within the Rhode Island/MA wind lease area will industrialize critical habitat used by Right Whales to feed, socialize, and raise their young. Pile driving of wind turbines may injure or kill whales. They may also suffer injuries from vessel strikes within the construction zone. Other species in the ecosystem will also be negatively impacted. In the North Sea, which has seen immense levels of offshore wind installations, it is documented that replacing the soft sea bottom with wind turbines has led to a loss of sand eels, which are the prey of many creatures including seabirds , mammals, and large fish. Offshore wind has led to increased beaching of cetaceans, which includes whales, and porpoises, and the North Sea has seen major losses in all types of wildlife.
What does the IAWC do?
IAWC advocates against offshore wind projects that could be harmful to wildlife through rallies designed to receive media coverage and educate the public.
How does offshore wind impact migratory birds?
The eight side by side wind farms, slated for the MA/RI lease area, transects the Atlantic Flyway, one of the major North American migratory routes. Studies of the endangered Piping Plover, conclude, the birds most likely will fly during their spring and fall migrations, at heights within and above the turbine rotor sweep area.