Cape and Islands Wildlife Conservation Alliance


We are residents and friends of Cape Cod and the Islands, who believe that the industrial offshore wind energy installations off the coasts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island should not go forward until further studies are conducted on how offshore wind could impact our marine mammals, fish, birds, bats, bugs and sea turtles.

With less than 350 North Atlantic Right Whales still living, we cannot risk additional threats to the species. North Atlantic right whales are one of the rarest animals on the planet, and on the brink of extinction. Each individual whale counts.

We spread awareness, educate, fundraise and support legal efforts to stop the development of industrial offshore wind installations, until the necessary steps, using the best science available, are taken to protect the cape and islands’ environment and endangered marine life.

Please show your support through financial donations or by giving your time and talents.

It’s not too late!

Help us stop the industrialization of our ocean and save our wildlife.